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  15th June 2024



Brian Cochran

   of 'Wrath to Riches'

Is Christian courage the absence of fear?


Is fear in a fallen world in and of itself a sin or is there a place for responsible fear/concern?

When we talk about courage in the Christian life, does that mean that you aren't afraid or worried about anything at all?

I would say no.
In fact, I would call that a counterfeit form of courage.
Christian courage is not the complete absence of all fear and worry.
That's a sort of Stoicism, in other words, the absence of emotions, and a sort of "oh well, whatever will be will be."

I think when it comes to real Christian courage it means recognizing that something is indeed terrifying, but trusting that if God is on your side, who or what can ultimately be against you?

The Bible says to Christians, "be angry, and do not sin".
While it may not be as explicit, I think it also says to Christians, be afraid in a fallen world, but don't sin in your fear.

The question is not whether or not we worry or fear, but what do we do with that worry or fear and whom do we ultimately fear?

There is a kind of worry and fear that is sinful, a form of practical atheism or deism (i.e. acting as if God didn't exist or that he is aloof), and there is a kind of worry or fear that arises out of a genuine love and concern for people, and the problems of this world.

The same Paul who said, "do not be anxious about anything," said of Timothy in the same letter that he is "genuinely concerned/worried" for the welfare of the Philippians.

And Paul was commending him for his genuine concern/worry!

Paul also spoke of his own "anxiety for all the churches" in 2 Corinthians
It is this kind of responsible loving concern/fear/worry that leads us to pray and to experience the "peace of God which surpasses all understanding" so that we have courage in the face of genuinely fearful situations.

And when we view fear and worry in this way, we then can say that this kind of courage in the face of genuine concern is truly a fruit of the Spirit that only Christians can possess and express.

And that is because in these situations only a Christian bows his knees to his heavenly Father and prays,
"Father I know that this is a big concern, but YOU ARE FAR BIGGER than this concern, and you are able to be my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

You have proven this to me in Christ, whom you sent, to free me from my biggest concern, namely your just and eternal wrath, and so I trust that if you are on my side, who can be against me.

You who did not spare your only Son, how will you not also with Him freely give me all things, for I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate me from your love for me in Christ Jesus my Lord, Amen"

In this fallen world, fear and courage can and do coexist in a Christian, just as sorrow and joy coexist in a Christian, but ultimately courage conquers and casts out fear in a Christian because of the Spirit that has been given to us.

The amazing thing about all of this is that though Christ had nothing to be afraid of, being the eternal Son of God and the one who perfectly obeyed God in the flesh, He wrestled with the worst fear imaginable in the Garden of Gethsemane.

He was genuinely afraid of the cup of God's wrath for His people and yet he pressed on in the most amazing and true courage any human being has ever exhibited in this world.

The question is not so much did Christ experience fear in the Garden, no doubt he did, but what did he do with that fear?

He took it to his heavenly Father in prayer.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

Rev. Brian Cochran
has been serving Redeemer Reformation Church in Regina, Saskatchewan since 2010.
He was ordained as a Minister of the Word in the United Reformed Churches in North America on March 12, 2010.
Pastor Brian holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible-Theology from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL.
He also holds a Master of Divinity degree from Westminster Seminary California.
He is a native Southern Californian, recently became a citizen of Canada, and loves the people of Regina


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