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  16th June 2024



Arrica offers

   'A child shall lead them'

'The love of a mother'


"Her children arise and call her blessed;
   her husband also, and he praises her."

.... Proverbs 31:28 NIV

In a world full of uncertainties, there are still things that remain constant and unwavering and one of them is the love of a mother.

When I was a child, I didn't want to become a mother.
I know that role is very sacred.
I grew up in a happy family and I have the best mum ever.
But, I was just scared to be like her.
I was always asking myself, "Am I going to be a good mother?"

Then, 20 years ago... I had a vision from God... me being the mother of twins!
It was mind blowing that time. I even yelled God (inside of that prayer room)
"T-TWINS?! Are you kidding??
I can't imagine myself as a mum and you are telling me now that I will have twins?!"

Of course, we know that even how many times we will yell at God, if it's God's will, no one can stop it right?

So, I just accepted His will and waited for it.
But while waiting for it... I remember the feeling that I was really scared and again kept asking the questions "Am I going to be a good mother?"
Oh I also added, "can I handle both of them at the same time?"

Fast forward... 2020... I was pregnant with twins.
Blessed with two beautiful girls.
God led me to this verse Proverbs 31:28... and He taught me how to become a good mum, and prepared me for this new chapter in my life.

"Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her."

These words highlight the immeasurable worth of a mother's presence in our lives.
A godly mother's love, care, and sacrifice shape our character and provide a foundation of strength and security.
Her unconditional love and support create an environment where we can flourish and grow.

In order for us to become a godly mother, we must know our value.
We must remind ourselves that we are valuable in the eyes of God and in the eyes of our family.

The Bible declares us that we are important, because God is the one who formed us inside our mother's womb (Psalm 139:13) and we too have become instrument of God to form something in our womb.

That's how valuable we are.
And once we know how valuable we are, we can become valuable to our husband, children and everyone surrounds us.

When we read,

"Her children rise up and call her blessed,"

we are reminded of the blessings we receive from a godly mother.
Her love is a shelter from life's storms, a guiding light in moments of darkness, and a source of encouragement in times of doubt.

A mother's prayers cover us, her words inspire us, and her nurturing presence shapes our hearts and minds.
We are blessed with a sense of belonging, purpose, and identity through her love.

The latter part of the verse states,

"her husband also, and he praises her."

A godly wife and mother not only bless her children but also brings joy and fulfillment to her husband's life.

Her support, understanding, and companionship provide a solid foundation for their relationship.
A husband who recognizes and praises his wife's virtuous character not only uplifts her but also sets an example of honour and respect for their children.

Proverbs 31:28 helped me a lot on how to become a mother.
It reminded me that a mother's love is an unparalleled blessing, showering her children with comfort, guidance, and unconditional acceptance.

Her virtue and wisdom leave an enduring legacy, shaping the character and choices of her children for years to come.


My name is Arrica,
I am follower of Jesus Christ, a pastor's wife, and a homeschooling mom of four kids ages 16, 15, 12, and 8.
Ever since I had my second child, I have been a stay at home mum.
Through raising and observing my children, God has used them to teach me some valuable lessons about my relationship as child to Him as my Heavenly Father.
This blog is meant to encourage and inspire you to grow in your own relationship with Jesus and help provide you resources to instruct your children in knowing Jesus on their own.


We pray for every mother, that You would bless and strengthen them in their journey of motherhood.
Grant them wisdom and patience to navigate the challenges they face, and fill their hearts with joy and peace as they nurture and guide their children.
Lord, we ask for Your blessings upon the children who have been blessed with godly mothers.
May they rise up and honour their mothers, cherishing the love and wisdom they impart.
Help them to recognize the value of their mothers' presence and to express their gratitude in words and actions.
We also lift up husbands, that You would grant them a deep appreciation for their wives' virtuous character and unwavering dedication as mothers.
May they continually affirm and uplift their wives, setting an example of love, respect, and honour for their children to follow.
In all these things, we give You thanks, Lord, for the precious gift of motherhood.
May we honour and cherish the mothers in our lives, seeking to emulate their virtues and express our love and gratitude. In Jesus name,


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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
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