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  1st July 2024



Gabrielle Santiago shares

   Living Revelations Ministries

'His Grace Is Enough To Get The Work Done'


We all hold many roles in our lives;
to be a parent, a spouse, a friend, a worker, a student, God's servant, and the list could go on.

How do we do everything that God has called us to do in this season?
The answer is through God's grace. His Grace Is Enough To Get The Work Done.

Can you relate?
I thought leaving my full-time job would give me more free time for other things, but I quickly filled that time up with other things that God has called me to do.

God has recently opened the door for me to lead Bible studies for Human trafficking victims with 'Samaritan Village'.

While I love ministering to the women, I started dreading the assignment because I was too overwhelmed with the other 10 things I have to manage weekly.
God spoke to me at that moment and said,
"My grace abounds over every task that I have assigned to you."

I realized that I was looking to my own strength which caused me to stress and question my ability.
But at that moment I was reminded that it's through God's strength and not my own strength that I can do what needs to be done.
God's grace is enough to get the work done.

If God has called you to do the task, He will empower you to complete it.
There may be times when we put more on our plate than God wants.
However, there are times when God will give us the grace to do more than we ever thought we could.

Bring the assignments that worry you and invite God's voice to speak over your life.
If He speaks encouragement and fills you with peace and ease to do the assignment, then know that you can do it.

Colossians 3:15 says,

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts".

He has given us His peace to guide us in the right paths.

When we are one with God, we don't have to worry if we are doing what is right or what is wrong.
His peace will rule in our hearts and guide us.
His desires become our desires, and His thoughts become our thoughts.

Paul, from the Bible, always allowed the Holy Spirit to lead Him.
Acts 16 talks about the time when Paul wanted to go to Asia but the Holy Spirit prohibited him from going there.
Later he receives a vision of a man from Macedonia calling on him to come.
Here we can see that God has clearly closed the door for Paul to go to Asia.

Paul then goes to Macedonia and we see God opening Lydia's heart to receive the gospel from Paul's preaching.
You would think things get easy, but Paul and Silas end up getting into prison.
They were able to get out but you can see from this one assignment that they needed God's grace to complete their assignment.

You may be in a place where you feel overwhelmed by the amount of work needed to be done.
Maybe you are in a place where you're facing hardships like what Paul experienced.
If you know that God has called you to the assignment, persevere and know that you will come out victorious.

What has God called you to pursue in this season?
Has He given you His peace and open doors to pursue that assignment?

I have at times looked back at what I was able to accomplish and have always been in shock at how much was done.
It shows me that only through God's grace was much able to get done.
His grace empowers us to do more than what we could ever do alone.
Even in the midst of our weaknesses, His strength becomes enough
(2 Corinthians 12:9).

We are in a season of acceleration where doors will be opened like never before and divine connections will align us to our God-given purpose.
He will bring us the right people and resources to bring His vision to fruition.

So remember, His grace is enough to get the work done.


This is an edited version.
The full article is avaiable on request

'Living Revelations ministries'
is a Christian non-profit ministry that seeks to help others find God real in everyday life through blogs, Bible studies, media, and conferences.
Our passion is to disciple others and see multitudes come to Christ.

'Living Revelations Ministries'
was founded by Gabrielle Santiago.
It all started from her hunger to know Jesus more and share of His goodness.
God gave Gabrielle a vision for 'Living Revelations' to be a ministry that shares His word and disciples the Body of Christ.
God has opened doors to expand this ministry to reach lives through Blogs, Online Bible Studies, Media, and Conferences.
The heart of this ministry is to empower and disciple others to walk into their God-given purpose and love Jesus.


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  NN7 3PB

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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com

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  thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
  9:00am to 11:30am
Picture of the Sunday School

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  For Wedding bookings:
  please contact the Benefice Office to arrange
  an appointment.

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