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  19th July 2024



JoAnn Johnson offers

    Lead Pastor at Newbreak Church.

'Why Sabbath is Way More Powerful Than a "Day Off"'


Do you ever feel hurried or overwhelmed?

I know I have. I remember taking a break from what felt like constant tasks and to-do lists to actually breathe for a moment.
There I thought to myself: "I cannot sustain this pace much longer."

That's when I knew I needed a fresh encounter with God's gift of Sabbath - which led me to a spiritual practice that is now a staple in my life.

A theology of Sabbath begins at creation, where the capstone of the week is a day of cessation.
God was the Founder and first being to savour Sabbath.

If God Himself experienced sabbath rest, then the purpose of it cannot have been for detachment (a sort of unconscious rest).
After all, God does not need sleep for refreshment.

In Genesis, God ceased working on the ongoing project of the world, and the plan for it, and simply enjoyed what was there.
Consider the commandment, but with a specific twist.
Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.

Therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.

Notice how it is the only commandment that starts with the call to "remember."
Why is that?
Because if we don't remember Sabbath, we won't remember our story of freedom and we will fall into the mindset of slaves.

It would be impossible to Sabbath without remembering the twin-pillar themes of God's activity in creation and in redemption.

Theologically, the day reminds Israel that Yahweh is Creator and Redeemer and Lord of all.
Observance of the day at least implies an acknowledgment of God's Lordship and care.

Moving to the New Testament we see Jesus speak of it, drawing people to Himself as the "Lord of the Sabbath."
In other words, He is saying that He is the one who provides Sabbath rest, directly identifying Himself as Yahweh - the God of Israel - while also offering people the Sabbath rest they desire.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest," (Jesus)

The kind of rest Jesus offers is Sabbath rest.

Sabbath rest is not the equivalent of a nap (though it may involve restful sleep).
Rather, Sabbath was actually about a cessation of something (primarily work) for the participation in something else (primarily that of enjoyment).
While Jesus certainly gives us rest when we meet Him in the day-to-day rhythms, the ancient practice of Sabbath is equally biblical and beneficial.

Taking a day off is not necessarily practicing sabbath.
Rather, the sabbath signifies the superlative meaning of life.

It is a day in which people join God in sheer delight.
Sabbath exists because God loves His creation and invites it to participate in a day where the normal demands of life are laid aside for a day.

But what about the meaning of the Sabbath today?
Wasn't Sabbath simply an Old Testament commandment?

Today, we can make the case that it is part of a thriving life.
Remember, Sabbath existed since day seven of creation.
Sabbath precedes the Law of Moses.

Slaves don't get Sabbath. Free people do.
We practice Sabbath because we are free.
Because Jesus liberated us from sin and death, we are invited to find rest in Him.

In summary: Sabbath is a reminder that our value comes from who we are, not in what we do.
It restores our humanity by reminding us that our personhood, not our production, provides our worth.
God loves us.

God loves us so much that He invented and even mandated the weekend!

Yes, you worship the God that delights in a day where we remember that life is more than work.
Will you take Him up on His offer?


Bible references available on request

'JoAnn Johnson '
is the Lead Pastor at Newbreak Church.
JoAnn and her husband, Eric, love San Diego and exploring all the great beaches with their two boys and dogs.
Prior to serving at Newbreak she worked with the SoCal Network of the Assemblies of God, providing leadership and training for hundreds of churches and pastors.
She is excited for the future of Newbreak Church, as we continue to develop leaders who change their communities.

Newbreak Church is a multi-campus church in San Diego engaging communities locally and globally through Kingdom Builders.


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