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18th August 2024
Lorna offers
Grace for healing
The Healing Power of the Holy Communion
1 Cor 11:24
Does the communion bread heal your body?
Today I look at the healing power of the Holy Communion
Surely a small piece of bread cannot possibly heal an incurable illness?
I mean, it would be completely wonderful but it really does sound quite far fetched and almost too good to be true, doesn't it?
So I did exactly what I suggest you do, I prayed, explored and studied the Scriptures to see what God was saying to me about this.
Today I share my findings with you, I hope this post encourages and blesses you and increases your faith for healing.
Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you
.... 1 Cor 11:24
The bread is for our healing, not for the forgiveness of sins.
This was revelatory to me!
I'd been partaking of Communion for years without knowing this.
The 'broken body' is referring to Jesus scourging, His stripes.
For many years I would lump the bread and the wine together, without distinguishing the purpose of each.
I think this is what most people do, unless they've had good teaching on Communion.
"For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body."
.... 1 Cor 11:29
Not discerning the body of Jesus is not understanding why we partake of the bread.
This is significant because when we don't discern the body of Jesus ...
For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. (die)
.... 1 Cor 11:30
I've read this verse numerous times, each time it puzzled and concerned me.
I certainly don't want to suffer with ill health because I've been ignorant as to what the bread means.
"It is because people don't make a distinction between the bread and the cup that many are sick."
.... Joseph Prince
There is opposition to this interpretation however.
I know Andrew Wommack teaches that not discerning the Lord's body is referring to non-believers who partake.
They haven't had the revelation of Christ's death and resurrection.
When they take of the bread and wine, they are being dishonourable.
I think I am inclined to go with Joseph Prince here.
'Unworthy manner' is 'the way' in which you partake, not the person which is what Andrew Wommack is saying.
What do you think?
He has seen numerous miracle healings in his church after partaking, thus proving there is healing power in the Holy Communion.
I trust his revelations and I encourage you to listen to His teachings.
Thanking God is the precursor to breakthrough.
Jonah in the whale, Jehosophat and his army, the feeding of the 5000, the leper, Paul and Silas in prison...all these miracles followed praise and thanksgiving.
The whole purpose of the Holy Communion is a thanksgiving service to God for sending His Son to die on our behalf.
It therefore makes sense that miracle healings follow the receiving of the Holy Communion.
And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.
.... 1 Cor 11:24
This also goes in hand with discerning the bread for our healing.
We're saying that we're grateful that the power to heal is present because of what Jesus did on the cross.
It's a memorial service, honouring God and His Son.
We know that Jesus was never sick.
His mind and body were always completely healthy and whole
(until He hung on the cross).
If the bread is Jesus' body, then partaking of it, means partaking of the body of a man who exuberated resurrection life and wellness.
This is definitely the kind of body I want to receive of.
His body was so powerful, all the woman with the issue had to do was touch his cloak and she was made well.
This is an edited version.
The full article is avaiable on request
Scroll down for the continuation of this discussion.
Hi! I'm Lorna.
I'm a former teacher turned counsellor with a passion for God's healing and the mind-body connection.
In this website, I post regular blog posts sharing personal thoughts on how to combine counselling concepts with God's Word.
I write this blog to support and encourage those of all ages who are chronically ill.
I don't give advice or comment on people's situations.
As I say in the disclaimer, the content of this blog is purely my thoughts, beliefs and what I think God is saying.
Bread is made up of wheat which is crushed until powder form.
Once the yeast, eggs and water are added, the dough is pounded; this involves striking and hitting the dough.
The process of the crushing and the pounding is of course a reflection of what happened to Jesus when he was crucified.
Jesus refers to himself as 'the bread of life'.
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.
This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
John 6:51
Interpretations of this verse vary, most people believe that this is purely spiritual life that Jesus is referring to.
However, Joseph Prince believes this verse is referring to Communion.
His interpretation of the word 'life' is that of a healthy, physical body full of vitality and strength.
The fact that there are so many miracle healings from his church suggests to me that his teaching on the healing power of the Holy Communion is probably accurate.
Having said that, I think it needs to be looked at through the lens of the rest of Scripture and not taken in isolation.
Several years ago upon hearing this teaching, I began partaking of the Holy Communion every day.
I was meditating and studying the word as well as listening to various anointed teachers.
Unfortunately I didn't notice any improvement in my health but that's not to say that the teaching is wrong.
You still need faith and not to just partake as a ritual.
Oftentimes, there are things in our lives which can dilute faith.
For example, lots of negative thinking.
Also, science proves that trauma that's stuck in the body causes disease.
In my opinion though, the partaking of Communion does not release stored trauma.
I've come to the conclusion that healing this way is just one slice of the pie.
I began a book club in my church using Joseph Prince's book 'The Healing Power of The Holy Communion.'
A couple of people in the group noticed significant changes in their health I'm pleased to say.
What I do love about this teaching is the simplicity of it.
Healing in this way is incremental.
The idea is that we believe that we're improving each time we partake.
We don't need more faith, just obedience and a willing heart.
Can you picture yourself getting healthier and healthier each time you eat of the Lord's Body with faith?
What a dream it would be to see improvement in your health just by eating a piece of bread.
Can I encourage you to get a hold of Joseph Prince's teaching.
Pray about what He's saying and test it for yourself.
In what way has this post helped you see Communion in a different way?
For me, it's more about seeing more of the love of Jesus, than actual healing.
Remember healing is always about listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you about your journey.
I hope this post has given you a little food for thought.
God Bless
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