News for the Pews |

23rd November 2024
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'all "Scripture is given by inspiration of God'
What Does 2 Corinthians 1:20 Mean?
God's "Yes"; for it is he who is the "Yes" to all of God's promises. This is why through Jesus Christ our "Amen" is said to the glory of God.
..... 2 Corinthians 1:20
The word "Amen" holds incredible magnitude in our Christian walk.
It's not just a simple ending to a prayer but a declaration of agreement, trust, and belief.
When we say "Amen," we affirm that we stand with the truth we've just spoken or heard, acknowledging God's authority and aligning our hearts with His will.
Saying Amen is a powerful affirmation that resonates through our prayers and actions.
(www. by Carl Brettle)
Paul had a deep spiritual burden for the believers in Corinth.
He had planned to visit these believers, following his earlier, forthright epistle, for he wanted to rebuild their trust in him, by restating his God-ordained authority ... and so Paul wasted no time in explaining the reason for his delayed visit.
Paul used himself as a role model, to show that the comfort and grace of God, brought him amazing consolation and strength, in the midst of his severe suffering and persecution.
Paul assured his listeners that the Lord is no respecter of persons and would provide the same comfort and strength for each one of them.
Paul had obviously experienced many difficulties, but his main purpose was to exalt the name of the Lord and proclaim the goodness of God.
It was the Lord to whom Paul pointed as the anchor of his soul and source of his stability.
It was God who had supported and sustained His bondservant over the previous months and years.
It was Christ Jesus, his Saviour, who had fulfilled His many promises, and provided Paul with His sufficient strength that was at the heart of his message to these believers.
Paul was eager to communicate to his readers that the message he taught about the Lord Jesus was steadfast, sure, unalterable, and reliable.
He stressed that God's promises are altogether true and His Word stands fast forever.
Paul wanted these believers to believe God's Word in their hearts and experience in their lives the Lord's never-failing riches of His grace, and so he wrote:
"For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are YES!
For ALL God's promises are certain and sure in Jesus ... and so through Him we can say 'Amen,' to the glory of God."
The Lord Jesus came to earth as the sin substitute for mankind, and fulfilled all that the Father ordained so that we could be set free from the curse of sin, by faith in Him.
It is for this reason, we also utter AMEN, when we consider the many precious promises, that have been carried out in Christ, on our behalf.
May we never forget that Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, stamped the authority of God on His promises to us, for all the promises of God in Christ are YES, and in Him AMEN - to the glory of God, forever and ever.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father,
how blessed we are to be called Your children
and to know that Christ took the punishment for our sins,
so that in Him we could be the recipients of Your many precious promises -
by faith.
Thank You that all Your promises have been validated through Christ,
knowing that in Him, they are YES and AMEN, to Your praise and glory.
Thank You for Your Word,
which is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path,
and a testimony of Your great love for us.
Thank You in Jesus' name
This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request
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We believe that all "Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
Spiritual growth, which is distinct from justification, is God's expectation for every believer; this growth, however, is not necessarily manifested uniformly in every believer.
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The Revd.
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thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
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Land Line: 01604 830373
thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
9:00am to 11:30am

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