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  2nd December 2024



'Jeffrey W. Carter'

 'The Religious Studies Center'


"Belief in a Promise"
The Power of Faith

Powerful, enduring faith comes from believing in God's promises so deeply that it becomes the motivating force behind worship and devotion.
Christina Smith,
©2023  Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

Over the centuries, countless people have marvelled at the faith in Jesus Christ demonstrated by men and women of the scriptures.

Readers have been thrilled by scripture stories of people who were able to draw on faith to do heroic acts, make difficult decisions, and even be instruments of bringing about miracles.

At the same time, many have wondered how these people were able to draw on such incredible faith as they faced the challenges of life.

Focusing on and believing in the promises of God can greatly strengthen our faith as we seek to come unto Christ and do his will.

Modern-day commentary also supports the teachings of Paul pertaining to the link between enduring faith in the Saviour and promise.
The importance of having "a correct idea" of God's "character, perfections, and attributes" in order to truly have faith in him, is highlighted

An acquaintance with these attributes in the divine character, is essentially necessary, in order that the faith of any rational being can centre in him for life and salvation.

For if he did not, in the first instance, believe him to be God, that is, the Creator and upholder of all things, he could not centre his faith in him for life and salvation, for fear there should be greater than he who would thwart all his plans, and he, like the gods of the heathen, would be unable to fulfil his promises; but ... no such fear can exist in the minds of those who put their trust in him, so that in this respect their faith can be without wavering.

Joseph Smith, who in 1820 read a passage of scripture that spoke of
"nothing wavering" (James 1:6).
Joseph Smith not only believed in God, but believed God.
Joseph believed that God could answer a prayer, but more importantly he believed that he would answer, and Joseph hence moved forward in faith, ushering in the final dispensation before the coming of Christ.

Is it not necessary also, for men to have an idea that God is a being of truth before they can have perfect faith in him?

It is; for unless men have this idea, they cannot place confidence in his word, and, not being able to place confidence in his word, they could not have faith in him; but believing that he is a God of truth, and that his word cannot fail, their faith can rest in him without doubt.

This brings us back to the original definition of faith as given by Paul:
"Faith is the substance [assurance or promise] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).

The tie between faith and promise is critical if one wishes to follow Christ.

There are many people who profess to be believers and followers of Christ.

Yet when the call from God comes, or the tests and trials of life descend, they seem to falter.

What is it that causes some to stand strong and succeed when others falter and fall short of the mark?

At least one key can be found in Hebrews 11.
Not only did Paul want the Hebrews to understand in whom they should place their faith, but he wanted them to understand where that strength of faith came from.

Paul referenced many stories to accomplish both purposes.
Faith in Jesus Christ is much more than believing in the existence of God.
Powerful, enduring faith comes from believing in God's promises so deeply that it becomes the motivating force behind worship and devotion.

Promises are an inseparable part of pure, powerful faith.
It is important to understand this as we seek to come unto Christ and do his will.

As God's covenant people, we too have been given many wonderful promises, including the greatest promise of all: exaltation and eternal life through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

It will be our willingness to focus on and believe in these promises that will empower our faith as we seek to come unto Christ and serve him until the end.


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

'Jeffrey W. Carter'
graduated in 1989 from BYU with a degree in Spanish.
He later went on to earn an MBA from Idaho State University.
In the summer of 2010, Jeff was invited to return to the Utah valley area.

The Religious Studies Center began as the research and publishing arm of Religious Education at Brigham Young University.
Our mission is to encourage, sponsor, and publish serious, faithful, gospel-related materials.
We encourage authors to submit their research for publication.
Our goal is to promote greater understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ


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