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  11th December 2024



'Lord's Guidance'

 'Last year we reached over 650,000 Christians!'


The Meaning of Proverbs 4:23 to you as a Christian

The Bible is a book of wisdom that God uses to show us how to live our lives.

In it, you will find the book of Proverbs which shows you the right way to deal with the various situations in your life

King Solomon wrote Proverbs 4:23.
It is a continuation from Proverbs 1, which starts with the introduction,
"The Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David, King of Israel."

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

..... Proverbs 4:23 NIV

We are to guard our hearts against what comes in and only allow that which builds us up.
What corrupts our hearts is to stay out.

Corruption comes through what we watch, listen to, do, and sins we commit.
If we let in ungodly things, we become ungodly.
If we let in godly things, we become more godly

We guard our hearts because good and evil find their way into them and come out through our mouths.
Jesus said that what comes out of our hearts is what defiles us:
He went on:

"What comes out of a person is what defiles them.
For it is from within, out of a person's heart, that evil thoughts come sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly."

..... Mark 7:20-22

As Christians, we are to read and meditate on God's word so that it can dwell in our hearts.

When your heart is full of God's word, you are storing good things and protecting yourself against false doctrine.
Putting a guard in the doorway of your heart is a way of protecting yourself from deception, heartbreak and limiting beliefs that steal the joy from your life

Your actions come from the things you think and believe.
If you have the right beliefs in your heart, your actions will be life-giving, and you will move in the right direction.
When your heart is right and pure, you can obey God's word and apply it in your life.

If your heart is impure, you will do things with the wrong motives.
When you guard your heart, it is possible to keep away from the perverse talk, focus on walking the right path, and allow God to direct your steps and keep your feet from evil.

Constantly monitor what is in your heart and eliminate what is not godly.
The word of God will help you know what belongs in your heart and what doesn't.
You are to carefully weigh your heart at all times to ensure it remains pure.

This calls for vigilance and allowing God to search your heart and show you if there is any evil in it.
Through prayer and reading your Bible, you'll be able to keep a rein on your heart.

The heart has the issues or details of your life and that is why it is hard to live a joyful life with a broken heart.

The Bible is the word of God and when you plant it in your heart, it produces a harvest of righteousness.
The quantity and quality of the harvest depend on the condition of your heart.

Read scriptures and meditate on God's word so that it can transform your heart and make you more Christlike.

God's word will remove wrong beliefs and thought patterns that can leave you stuck in life.
It will remove idols in your heart so that you can have continual fellowship with God.

The wisdom in Proverbs 3:5-6 is necessary for every situation you face in life.
People often quote them as a way of trusting God when things are tough.

They are a source of comfort when a person is going through a situation they don't understand.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths".


This is an edited version.
The full article and Bible references are avaiable on request

'Lord's Guidance'
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Our aim is to bring light and love to the Christian faith by creating an inclusive global community of believers who can become stewards for their local environments and communities.


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  Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
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