News for the Pews |
11th January 2025
'Biblical Foundations for
'The Lord has constantly guided this ministry'
"The Purpose of Our Lives"
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them
..... Ephesians 2:10
Religious people confuse good works. They believe we are saved by works.
God clearly tells us that it is not through good works through which we are saved.
We need to know the place of good works.
Good works are not to gain salvation, which would place confidence in ourselves.
Good works are to follow salvation so that they too are a fruit of God's good work in our lives.
The new life does not only provide a faith to believe in Jesus for salvation but a faith to live out what He wants in our lives.
It is here that we see the glorious power in the faith that He has given to us.
Paul's argument is straightforward.
If we are saved, then we are saved to live out good works such as Jesus would do.
There is absolutely nothing to stop you from gaining all that God has planned to give you.
He has shaped our backgrounds, designed our personalities, our pimples and dreams.
God does not blame our beings on another but takes full responsibility for who we are. He designed us.
Whether we are young or old, we can trust Him for the future.
You might be young and afraid of getting older.
Trust Him. He designed you, and He will make it all work out like He wants.
Or if you are getting old, your memory is going, your legs are not as strong, you can still trust Him to enable you to do all His will.
Our possessions or capabilities should never stop us from thinking what He wants to do in our lives.
Instead, we should focus on knowing what He wants to do through our lives.
Never worry about whether we can do this or that but only focus on knowing what He wants you to do.
He will provide for you even if He needs to give you extra wisdom, cash or contacts.
Remember Nehemiah?
God gave him many things like cash, wood and assistance through the emperor of the then known world so that he could rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
God calls you His workmanship.
Place your full confidence in His work in your life.
You can even now feel your faith get stronger and a new or stronger urge to serve Him.
As long as you focus on your own abilities rather than His will and design, your life will be filled with problems.
If we are to focus on His will, we are to ask what His will is and how are we to know His will.
Paul knew what we would be asking and answers us, at least in part, with this phrase, "created in Christ Jesus for good works."
The workmanship, the piece of art, that God has been showing off was created in Christ Jesus.
He is ultimately speaking of our spiritual lives as we live them out here on earth.
We need not fear battles with giants.
If we must fight a giant, then He will give us grace to do it.
Notice our faith is in Him, His design and His appointed work.
Now we do not see how all of God's works are fitted together.
God only allows us to see, at the appropriate time, our own needed activities.
Let me make a word of caution. God has appointed our work.
We must search out these good works whether big or small.
We should be busy doing them.
If you think that God is not using you, it more than likely is from your unwillingness to be trained.
Are you meeting God each day? Are you evangelizing?
Do you disciple others? Are you consistent in your prayer life?
Although these things might seem so basic, they all fit together slowly building up our confidence in how God can work in our lives.
Never despise the small lessons of life.
David cared for sheep before he cared for a nation.
This means that we need to meet with God each day seeking Him and His will.
As He shares with us His will, He also begins to share with us His ways.
Do not be foolish and run off before He has given you instructions on how one is to accomplish His will.
This is the grand Christian life.
Christ in us, full of glory.
We do not boast in ourselves but in Him who lives in us.
This is an edited version.
The full article, and Bible references, is avaiable on request
'About Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF)'
This BFF ministry started from dust.
God was gracious enough to provide the vision for this ministry from the very start in 2000.
The Lord has constantly guided this ministry .
God keeps leading us deeper in the understanding of His marvellous ways.
Contact the Rector
The Revd.
The Rectory,
Church Lane,
Land Line: 01604 - 815496
(Can be accessed from the mobile device)
Mobile: .....
thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
Contact the Benefice Office
Sunday School Rooms, Church Lane,
BUGBROOKE, Northampton, NN7 3PB
Land Line: 01604 830373
thebeneficeofbhkandr at gmail dot com
Mon., Tues., Wed,, Thur., Fri.
9:00am to 11:30am
For Baptism bookings (Christenings)
to arrange an appointment please contact
the Benefice Office.
For Wedding bookings:
please contact the Benefice Office to arrange
an appointment.
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regparker3 at gmail dot com
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