
  18th June 2023

Naija shares her testimony

Scripture transforms individuals, families,
and entire villages.

In prison, Paul and Silas sang hymns.
An earthquake struck. Prison doors sprang open.

Believing that all the prisoners had escaped on his watch,
the Philippian jailer steeled himself to commit suicide.
He thought he was a dead man.
But the prisoners had not fled.

Now, the jailer wanted what Paul and Silas had.
The moment he heard the Gospel, he and his family wanted
to be baptised.
That night, the jailer went from earthly life to
near death (commit suicide) to eternal life.

"And he rejoiced along with his entire household that
he had believed in God" (Acts 16:34b).
God was glorified, and His kingdom expanded.

This is all that matters, isn't it?
No matter how long or how short the transformation takes,
God desires that every person on Earth should hear the Good News
and go from spiritual death to spiritual life.

Each believer's story is unique.
Each life is significant. Like Naija's.

Naija is a seamstress and the only Christian in her family.
She accepted Jesus after she attended a Bible listening group
in her village.

"I still remember the first time I listened to His Word.
I felt like God was sitting next to me and talking with me,
just as a friend would.
I wanted others to know about my experience,
so I began inviting them to the group."

She shares how God tested and fortified her new faith.

"My tailor shop was burned down during
inter-tribal warfare, and I lost everything.
As if that was not enough, my son became critically ill and was
on the verge of death.
It was the most challenging time in my life.

"I became distraught and asked if these things happened
to me because I accepted Jesus, but my pastor encouraged me
to stay in the Word.

The church prayed for me.
Not only did He restore my son, but also my business.
When my customers found out where I lived, they
continued to use my services.

I listened to the Audio Bible during this challenging time,
which strengthened my faith in Jesus.

"Through listening to God's Word, I have made
tremendous changes in my life. I used to be a quarrelsome person.
Now, I no longer fight with people but
have put on a new life in Jesus.

Even my father and sisters see a difference in me.
I pray they, too, will come to know Jesus.
I am thankful for the precious gift of His Word I have
in this Audio Bible."

Just like Naija, you and your spiritual journey
are significant.

Eternally significant.

Life Transformation Through God's Word
'Faith Comes By Hearing's Audio Bibles' are freely available and
used in a variety of formats.
People engage with God's Word through solar-powered devices in a
listening group, streamed online, or personally on their phone
via the app or a Micro SD card.

Through regular listening to God's audible Word,
individuals are impacted, families are revived,
and communities are transformed.

Faith comes by hearing
2421 Aztec Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87107